Thursday, February 08, 2007

Mg and Ca testing

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Today I tested a few random samples (#s 1,5,9,14, 17, and 19) for magnesium and calcium using a different soil testing kit. I found that our Mg levels were medium to high, though probably more towards the higher side. The Ca test was much harder and was based on matching up various shades of grey and depending on the color-matching method I used and how much I squinted, I got slightly different results. I even enlisted Dr R Ambers as a second pair of eyes, but she had trouble deciphering the exact colour match as well, so I settled for a relative range. However, concentrations seem to center around an average of 1000ppm, some falling above and some slightly below that. (I cut today’s session a bit short, since I wasn’t feeling all that well.)


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