Monday, April 09, 2007

Last day of pruning at the Annex!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Today I continued my background reading on developing a plan for “growing” milky spore in the lab with the grubs in the morning. In the afternoon I headed out to the Annex Vineyard by the Sweet Briar Community Garden. We finished pruning today (ALL DONE with this season’s pruning!) Then I watched Cliff change the blade on the lawn mower/tractor thing and jump-started its battery from his truck. Then we pruned the apple and crab-apple trees that he planted in 2002 around the outside of the fence surrounding the garden. The idea was to thin them out leaving a straight trunk/branch up the middle and then trimming off the branches that were facing inward leaving a relatively open space in the middle. I mostly just followed Cliff with the wheelbarrow picking up the branches he was cutting off the trees and chopping them up so they’d fit nicely in the wheelbarrow before adding them to the brush pile, which is now gargantuan! It was hot and sunny today, so I got nice and scratched up carrying around twig bundles and wearing my tank top (note to self-wear long sleeves when pruning at a vineyard). I also now officially have my first spring sunburn.


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